Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Would You Live in a Bathtub For Human Entertainment?

“If you were in a bathtub for 25 years, don’t you think you’d get a little psychotic?” Now think about this, how would you feel if you were in a bathtub for human entertainment? Well, Sea World currently owns more than half of the killer whales in captivity, where they are being exposed to physical and mental stress that is shortening the life of the whales. Do you think about how the whales feel when you’re watching the show? No, you sit down and walk away amazed by the show the killer whales have performed. There has been a lot of controversy over the whales in captivity and the reason being is a documentary, Blackfish, was released showing how the killer whales are taken from the wild and brought to Sea World. The documentary interviews ex Sea Worldtrainers that explain how the animals are treated and the environment they live in. Sea World didn’t want to be interviewed for Blackfish, and they recently argued that the movie portrays them in a negative light.

Sea World Claims that the killer whales are provided with an environment similar to the ones in the wild, they recognize the importance of family bonds, and keeping the killer whales in captivity extends the life of the whale. But on the other hand, Blackfish shows us how killer whales are taken from their natural environment and forced to adapt to the 50 ft tanks; they emphasize the behavior of the whales in captivity, and show the artificial bonds Sea World creates. By keeping the whales in captivity we are allowing society to believe it’s perfectly fine to treat animals how we please, we are adding to Sea World’s success by continuing to attend the parks and participate in their shows. We are overworking the killer whales for human entertainment, and because we aren’t taking action we are allowing these animals to die in captivity, we continue to support the artificial pods, and force them to adapt to their new environment. If more people took an importance in saving these animals, people would take action against Sea World. We need to take a stand and stop Sea World from exploiting innocent animals.
                                                                         (Word count 366)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cindy -- great use of pathos as an opening thought.

    For purposes of this proposal, your first paragraph was supposed to be more about the sources, while your second paragraph should be more about what you think -- this second part, your thesis and main points, needs to be more emphasized, so keep that in mind when you start the essay. Right now, I see a lot of what others are saying (good job with that part), but not much about what you are saying until the very end. If you are afraid to use "I," don't be. You don't have to generalize and say "we" all the time -- allow yourself to be heard (read).

    But, of course, I really love the pictures that you use on this (and your other) posts. Great job with the blogging!
